Frequently Asked Questions

A. All boys will need a copy of Scouts BSA Handbook for Boys, 14th edition.  

You will want to purchase the spiral bound version.  This can be purchased at local stores that carry Scouting apparel, such as Nankin Hobby, or online at www.scoutshop.org or Amazon.com.  It is also highly recommended to buy a cover for the handbook.  A popular cover, or the official BSA Handbook Cover can both be found on Amazon.

A. You can always check our Scout Closet to see if there is a suitable donated uniform that you can have for free, just ask at our next Troop Meeting.  

If you prefer to purchase your own, the best place to purchase the official scout uniform is locally at Nankin Hobby.  You can also purchase it from one of the local BSA Scout Shops (Ann Arbor Scout Shop or Detroit Toyota Scout Shop).  

NOTE: Please do not order from Amazon because you may not get an official uniform.

A. Parents are always welcome to attend any outing or campout; however, it is not a requirement. Scouts can attend outings even if their parents cannot attend. Attending camp is a great way to see how the Troop operates. It’s also a great way to get to know the other adult leaders and parents, and it’s always a great time!

A. When attending camp, scouts are only responsible for bringing their personal items.  This includes clothing, sleeping kit, hygiene items, and essential gear.  The scout handbook has a personal camping gear checklist, along with warm and cold weather clothing checklists.

Review the documents in our Troop 854 – Camping Resources section below for a useful printable packing checklist and our new scout basic camping guide.  The checklist and guide also includes page numbers to cross reference in the most recent edition of the Scout Handbook.  Also check out our Packing Guides literature section below for other handy suggestions on what you might want to bring to camp.

A. The troop has tents available for scouts to use, so purchasing a tent is not mandatory.  Also keep in mind that scouts are typically going to be camping with at least one tent partner, so before purchasing a tent, check with your scout to see if their tenting partner already has a tent they can use.

If you do choose to purchase your own tent, you’ll have to consider what you will be using it for.  If you are buying a tent for weekend campouts or summer camp, it is recommended that you buy a camping tent that is large enough to fit a minimum of two scouts with cots.  Refer to the tent footprint diagrams linked below for guidance on the best tent sizes for different configurations.  These tents will be larger, so weight is not really a concern.

If you are purchasing your own backpacking tent, then the criteria will differ, but you’ll be looking for something that is smaller and lighter to fit in your backpack.  If you are going to share a backpacking tent with another scout, remember you can split the weight across multiple people. Typically a backpacking tent will have a packed weight less than 7 pounds, including poles and stakes.

A. If your scout will need to take any medication during camp please ensure the medications are listed on your scout’s medical form part B2.  Please label all medication including the name of the scout, type of medication, frequency, and dosage.  All medication will be handled by adult leadership who will be responsible for recording and administering all medication.

A. Inform the scout’s Patrol Leader and Scout Master of any dietary or food restrictions.  Each Patrol is responsible for meal planning and shopping.  If your scout has a serious allergy it is very helpful to participate in patrol shopping before camp.  This way the scout can participate in the purchasing of food and ensure their needs will be meet while at camp.

A. The Boy Scout uniform has several patches, all with a specific placement.  Please refer to this BSA insignia guide to learn exactly what can be worn on your uniform and where everything should be located.  You can also find this information in your Scout Handbook, 14th Edition, on pages 20-23.

A. Merit badges are a great way to learn about sports, crafts, science, trades, business, and future careers.  Each merit badge has a set of requirements that must be completed to earn the badge.  There are over 135 merit badges to choose from and some are required to earn various ranks in Scouting.  To earn the rank of Eagle Scout, you must complete 21 merit badges and at least 12 of them must be Eagle required.  Eagle required badges are identifiable by the silver border around the badge.  Normal merit badges will typically have a green border.  Follow the link to find out more about merit badges.

A. Yes!  It is highly encouraged for all Scouts to attend Summer Camp.  It is a great way for Scouts to earn Merit Badges, make rank, and participate in loads of fun activities.  Conflicts with camp can arise, but if you can attend you don’t want to miss it.

We understand that cost can sometimes be a prohibiting factor for some families.  There are scholarships available that can help subsidize the cost so all Scouts have the opportunity to attend camp.  If you are interested in learning more please contact one of our Adult Leaders.  

A. Follow the provided links to learn more about the merit badges offered at Cole Canoe Base for 2024 Summer Camp.  Also check the list of prerequisites for each merit badge.  The schedule will show you what merit badges are available and what times of day they are offered.  Most merit badges run Monday-Friday and last one hour a day.  Some badges may require more or less time, as noted in the schedule.  You can use the Merit Badge Selection Worksheet to print and submit your merit badge selections.

Packing Guides

REI Blog

What to Bring Camping (REI Blog)

A handy blog post from REI discussing what items to pack when going camping. This is not scouting specific but provides a decent idea of what you may want to consider packing for camp.  The provided printable packing list is pretty handy, however keep in mind, boys don’t need to pack their own kitchen items.

Busy Kids Happy Mom

great resource for new parents discussing packing lists, and other helpful hints for sending your young scout away to camp.

Scout Basic Essentials

Every Scout learns about the essential items they need to bring on any hiking or camping trip.  This reference card is a good reminder.

Tent Footprints and Cot Layouts

A lot of parents ask about what size tent they need to buy their scout.  This diagram shows various tent footprints along with typical cot arrangements.  Usually scouts will be tenting with at least one tent partner, so this helps visualize various layouts your Scout may have in different size tents.  Remember you typically want a 4-6″ perimeter around the inside of the tent to ensure gear doesn’t touch the wall of the tent.  This prevents water from wicking through the tent wall and getting inside your tent.

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